原標題:Pop Life Global發(fā)布多款故宮主題潮流藝術品
Pop Life Global Launches a Variety of Imperial Palace Themed Trendy Art
On April 23, 2019
Summer Palace, Beijing
4月23日消息,全球領先的潮流文化創(chuàng)意公司Pop Life Global今日聯(lián)合北京故宮宮苑文化發(fā)展有限公司以及美國DC漫畫,共同發(fā)布數(shù)款以故宮皇家文化為主題的跨界潮流藝術品,將現(xiàn)代創(chuàng)新理念與歷史文化相融合。
Pop Life Global, one of the world's leading merchandise and creative companies, together with Beijing Imperial Court Cultural Development Company LTD and the USA based DC Comics, jointly released several cross-border collectibles, fashion and artworks with the theme of the Royal Palace Museum integrating modern innovation concepts with history and culture.
In the past year, with the release of blockbuster movies Wonder Woman, Aquaman and other DC comic series movies, DC heroes are rapidly emerging and winning more and more fans attention and love. Inspired by the Forbidden City culture and the armor of ancient Chinese warriors and soldiers, the event released several trendy art pieces with the Imperial Palace Royal Culture and DC Superheroes, including Superman in the court armor, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Arrow, Harley Quinn, and other superhero figures. At the same time, it also released a variety of fashion, toys and officially licensed products designed with the Imperial Palace, including the 12 Zodiac vinyls, clothing, bags, mobile phone cases, pillows and more, combining modern innovation concepts with history and culture to pay tribute to China's 5,000-year history and culture.
Mr. Tan Bin, former party secretary of the Palace Museum
and executive vice president
活動開場,由故宮博物院前黨委書記,常務副院長譚斌先生進行致辭,譚斌先生表示,故宮始建于1420年,明年將迎來她六百周年的生日。我們希望通過故宮文化藝術的傳播,能幫助中國的后人認識民族的 傳統(tǒng),能幫助世界認識中國。因此在故宮開發(fā)以故宮文化元素為特征的文創(chuàng)產(chǎn)品,就是想造一座“流動的故宮”,想讓百姓能把故宮的美好帶回家。相信宮苑公司同Pop Life Global公司的合作,將博采東方與西方之長,融合古代與現(xiàn)代之優(yōu),開闊文化視野,豐富設計理念,提升制作工藝,開拓內外市場,創(chuàng)造出一加一大于二的社會文化效益和企業(yè)經(jīng)營效益,定能成為優(yōu)勢互補的強強聯(lián)合。
The event commenced with Mr. Tan Bin, former party secretary of the Palace Museum and executive vice president. Mr. Tan Bin said that the Imperial Palace was founded in 1420 and will celebrate her 600th anniversary next year. We hope that through the spread of the culture and art of the Imperial Palace, we can help future generations to know the beautiful traditions of the nation and for the world to experience China. Created here are cultural and creative products featuring elements to build a "flowing Imperial Palace," so that people can bring home the beauty of the Imperial Palace. Tan stated, "I believe that the cooperation between Imperial Court Cultural Development Company and Pop Life Global will combine the advantages of the East and the West, blend the advantages of ancient and modern, broaden the cultural vision, enrich the design concept, enhance the production process, open up the internal and external markets, and create one plus one greater than two social and cultural benefits and business efficiency. These complementary advantages will be the foundation of our strong union."
迪士尼大中華區(qū)前主席/世像傳媒主席/Pop Life Global主席-張志忠
Stanley Cheung, Former Chairman of Disney Greater China
and Chairman of Cenic Media
迪士尼大中華區(qū)前主席,世像傳媒主席,Pop Life Global主席張志忠(StanleyCheung)表示,此次北京故宮宮苑與PoplifeGlobal的合作,讓在座的每位嘉賓都欣賞到了中國宮廷藝術佳品。同時,國內外 的年輕創(chuàng)意人才也積極參與到了此次的研發(fā)與開發(fā)過程中。最重要的是,此次合作也將讓廣大海內外游客感受到中國傳統(tǒng)文化底蘊與現(xiàn)代審美融合貫通的奇妙之處。故宮作為明,清兩代的皇宮,到明年就要迎來建成600周年的重要歷史時刻。Pop Life Global非常榮幸可以參與其中,也堅信通過與故宮宮苑雙方的共同努力,一定能夠將博大精深的中國文化帶向世界,受到世人矚目。
Stanley Cheung, former chairman of Disney Greater China and chairman of Cenic Media, said "the cooperation between Beijing Imperial Court Cultural Development Company and Pop Life Global is providing everyone with the opportunity to enjoy Chinese court art. Outstanding young creative talents at home and abroad actively participated in the R&D, creative and development process. The most important thing is that this cooperation will let the vast number of tourists at home and abroad feel the beautiful combination of Chinese traditional cultural heritage and modern aesthetics. As the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Imperial Palace will celebrate its 600th anniversary. Pop Life Global is very honored to participate in it and firmly believes that through the joint efforts of the two sides of the Imperial Court Cultural development company, we will be able to bring the profound exposure to Chinese culture and attract the attention of the world."
Pop Life Global現(xiàn)任CEO-韓剛先生(Guenther Hake)
Former CEO of Oriental DreamWorks, and now CEO of Pop Life Global,Guenther Hake
迪士尼大中華區(qū)消費品部前高級副總裁,東方夢工廠首任CEO,Pop Life Global現(xiàn)任CEO韓剛先生(Guenther Hake)表示,在近十年的中國工作生涯中,他發(fā)現(xiàn)年輕一代尤其是中國的年輕人熱衷于2件事情:科技與創(chuàng)新。而對于像Pop Life Global這樣的公司來說,創(chuàng)新就是企業(yè)的命脈以及走向成功的基石。目前在創(chuàng)新的領域,Pop Life Global已同 頂尖藝術家像Ron English和Futura與中國本土的設計師諸如Andy Chen ,Kenneth Tang等進行了合作。而今天,Pop Life Global也將攜手世界一流華納媒體旗下的DC漫畫以及像故宮這樣家喻戶曉的名勝古跡共同前進。透過這些產(chǎn)品,Pop Life Global希望能夠激發(fā)中國年輕一代更好地了解挖掘故宮文化寶藏。與此同時也將基于故宮原有寶貴資產(chǎn)結合時下最前沿的創(chuàng)新將中國博大精深的歷史文化傳承給祖國的年輕人們。
Former CEO of Oriental DreamWorks, and now CEO of Pop Life Global, Guenther Hake, said that during his nearly ten-year career in China, he found the younger generation of Chinese to be passionate about two things: "technology and creativity." For companies like Pop Life Global, "creativity is the lifeblood of the enterprise and the foundation of our success. Currently in the field of creativity, Pop Life Global has collaborated with world-famous artists such as Ron English and Futura, and local Chinese designers such as Andy Chen and Kenneth Tang. Today, PopLife Global will also work together with DC Comics under the world-class Warner Media and places of interest such as the Imperial Palace. Through these collaborations, Pop Life Global hopes to inspire the younger generation in China to better understand the treasures of the Imperial Palace. At the same time, we hope to inspire newfound interest and passion in the profound history and culture of China within the young people of the motherland based on the original precious assets of the Imperial Palace and cutting-edge creativity."
Ding Yuguang, Chairman of Beijing Imperial Court Cultural Development Company LTD
北京故宮宮苑文化發(fā)展有限公司董事長丁宇光先生表示,故宮承載了中華五千年文明,這樣燦爛的文化歷史促使我們想去傳達、傳播、與他人共享。因此,北京故宮宮苑文化發(fā)展有限公司自成立之初,在設計開發(fā)故宮文化產(chǎn)品上,就始終秉承:1、挖掘故宮文化的精神內涵,融入現(xiàn)代審美,使傳統(tǒng)文化藝術在現(xiàn)代社會中得以傳承發(fā)揚。2、解讀文化信號,用我們的理解,用歷史不斷更新的哲學思想,重新詮釋我們所要表達的作品。3、用符合大工業(yè)生產(chǎn)的模式以達到更廣泛傳播 傳統(tǒng)文化的目的。正是由于這種理念的堅守,成就了這次與Pop Life Global公司的合作。今天大家在頤和園中所看到的,就是兩家公司近兩年來努力,將東方古老文明與西方潮流文化相結合的初步成果。我們相信,故宮宮苑未來與Pop Life Global的合作一定能有更加光明的前途。
Mr. Ding Yuguang, Chairman of Beijing Imperial Court Cultural Development Company LTD, said that "the Imperial Palace carried the five thousand years of Chinese civilization, and this splendid cultural history prompted us to communicate, spread and share with others." Therefore, since the establishment of the Beijing Imperial Court Cultural Development Company LTD, it has always been adhering to the design and development of the Imperial Palace cultural objectives: 1. Excavating the spiritual connotation of the Imperial Palace culture, integrating modern aesthetics, enabling traditional culture and art to be passed down in contemporary society to carry forward. 2. Interpret the social signals, use our understanding, and reinterpret the works we want to express with the philosophical ideas that are updated continuously in history. 3. Use the model of large industrial production to achieve the purpose of spreading the unique traditional culture more widely. He said, "It is because of this philosophy that this cooperation with Pop Life Global has been achieved. What everyone saw in the Summer Palace today is the initial result of the efforts of the two companies in the past two years to combine the ancient civilization of the East with the contemporary pop culture of the West. We believe that the future cooperation between the Beijing Imperial Court Cultural Development Company and Pop Life Global will have a bright future."
關于Pop Life Global
Pop Life Global是Pop Life Entertainment與上海世像文化傳媒有限公司合資成立的公司。重點布局潮流文化娛樂產(chǎn)業(yè),發(fā)展音樂、粉絲體驗、藝術展覽和獨立電影等方面的業(yè)務,并為相關娛樂產(chǎn)業(yè)品牌提供創(chuàng)意服務。目前公司與Ron English,F(xiàn)utura等國際 藝術家建立了合作,在創(chuàng)建玩具和服飾系列潮流衍生品等方面全面發(fā)力,致力于建立沉浸式的營銷新生態(tài)。同時,制作了一系列外語故事片,包括正在后期制作中的“Underdogs Rising(屌絲逆襲)”,“The Free Fall (自由落體)”,“Painted Beauty(畫蝶)”和“Infamous Six(臭名昭著)”。
About Pop Life Global
Pop Life Global is a joint venture between Pop Life Entertainment and the Shanghai Cenic Media Co., Ltd. The focus is on cultural trends of the entertainment industry, to develop music, fan experiences, art exhibitions, and independent films, and provide creative services for related entertainment industry brands. At present, the company has established cooperation with top international artists such as Ron English and Futura, and has made great efforts in creating trend derivatives of toys and apparel series, and is committed to building a new immersive marketing ecology. At the same time, a series of feature films were produced, including “Underdogs Rising,” "The Free Fall," "Painted Beauty,” and "Infamous Six" in post-production.
About Gu Gong Gong Yuan
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