美國康州小學槍擊案 三名教師為救學生身亡
時間:2012-12-19 20:30   來源:滬江網   責任編輯:毛青青

美國康州小學槍擊案 三名教師為救學生身亡


    川北在線(sanmuled.cn)12月19日綜合報道 Three teachers murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School all died heroes trying to save their students from a gunman who they recognized as the son of a kindergarten teacher there.在美國康涅狄格州桑迪胡克小學槍擊案中,有三位教師因為救學生而獻出了生命。槍擊案的嫌疑犯被證實是學校幼兒園一名教師的兒子。

    Authorities have identified principal Dawn Hochsprung, 47, school psychologist March Sherlach, 56, and 27-year-old Victoria Soto, a young first grade teacher, as three of the eight adults found dead on Friday.美國當地警方已經證實,在周五槍擊案中身亡的8名成年人中有三名老師:47歲的校長道恩·霍啟斯普魯格,52歲的校心理醫(yī)生瑪奇·舍拉克和27歲的一年級老師維多利亞-索托。

    Twenty-eight people died in the shooting rampage, including 20 young children between the ages of five and ten, alleged gunman Adam Lanza, who took his own life, and his mother, who was shot before the school massacre.在這次的槍擊案中共有28人喪生,其中包括20位年紀在5歲-10歲間的兒童。槍手亞當·蘭扎早些時候在家中槍殺了自己的母親,在制造這起槍擊慘案后,亞當·蘭扎飲彈自盡。

    MailOnline can now reveal that Miss Soto sacrificed herself to save her students - throwing her body in front of the young children.根據《每日郵報》的報道,索托小姐用身體擋住了槍手射出的子彈,犧牲生命救了自己的學生。

    When Lanza began started firing at the school in suburban Newtown, Connecticut, some teachers dived under tables - but the Mrs Hochsprung and Mrs Sherlach never hesitated.當亞當·蘭扎在位于康涅狄格州紐鎮(zhèn)郊區(qū)的這所小學向無辜的學生開槍時,有一些老師選擇躲在桌子底下。但霍啟斯普魯格女士和舍拉克女士卻沒有猶豫

    They ran into the hallway to confront the danger - and were murdered execution-style as a result.她們沖進走廊與槍手正面遭遇,結果被像執(zhí)行死刑般的方式被槍手冷酷殺害。

    The New York Times reports that Mrs Hochsprung buzzed Lanza into the school, bypassing the newly-installed security system - recognizing him as the son of Nancy Lanza, a teacher there.根據《紐約時報》報道,因為認出亞當·蘭扎是學校的一位老師南希·蘭扎的兒子,所以校長霍啟斯普魯格女士把他放進了學校,他才能順利新安裝的安保系統(tǒng)。

    Little did she know that Adam had already killed his mother at the home they shared nearby. He took three of her guns and used her car to drive to the school.霍啟斯普魯格女士當時并不了解,亞當·蘭扎剛在不遠處的家里槍殺了自己的母親,他拿了母親的三只手槍,開著她的車來到了學校。

    Diane Day, a school therapist, told the Wall Street Journal that she and several other teachers were in a meeting with Mrs Hochsprung and Mrs Sherlach when the shooting began.一位名叫黛安·單的學校治療師在接受《華爾街日報》的采訪時說,第一聲槍聲時,她和霍啟斯普魯格女士、舍拉克女士還有其他幾位老師正在開會。

    A deeply distraught 10-year-old boy is a former student of Miss Soto, who had taught at the school five years, said she was 'really nice and funny.'索托小姐已經在這所學校任教5年,一位10歲男孩曾是索托小姐的學生,剛剛經歷過的槍擊事件對孩子造成了深深的心理傷害,他說索托小姐“真的非常好非常風趣。”

    Another tale of heroism came from an eight-year-old student who said a teacher pulled him from the hallway as bullets rang out.桑迪胡克小學的英雄教師并不止這三位:有一位8歲的學生說在槍聲突然響起的時候,一位老師把他從走廊拉了回去。

    'I saw some of the bullets going down the hall that I was right next to and then a teacher pulled me into her classroom,' the boy told CBS News. His relieved mother agreed, saying that the teacher saved her son's life.男孩對CBS新聞網的記者表示:“我看到一些子彈在走廊里穿過,我離得非常近,那位老師把我拉進了她的教室。兒子能夠安然無恙,他的母親也說是那位老師救了孩子的命。


   投稿郵箱:chuanbeiol@163.com   詳情請訪問川北在線:http://sanmuled.cn/


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