哈佛大學(xué)下架人皮書(shū) 該書(shū)充滿(mǎn)了道德?tīng)?zhēng)議
時(shí)間:2024-03-31 18:06   來(lái)源:CATTI中心   責(zé)任編輯:沫朵

  原標(biāo)題:哈佛大學(xué)下架人皮書(shū) 該書(shū)充滿(mǎn)了道德?tīng)?zhēng)議



  《Des Destinées de l'Ame》(《靈魂的命運(yùn)》)自 20 世紀(jì) 30 年代以來(lái)一直收藏在霍頓圖書(shū)館。2014 年,科學(xué)家確定該書(shū)的裝訂材料實(shí)際上是人類(lèi)的皮膚。

  Harvard University has removed the binding of human skin from a 19th Century book kept in its library.

  Des Destinées de l'Ame (Destinies of the Soul) has been housed at Houghton Library since the 1930s.

  In 2014, scientists determined that the material it was bound with was in fact human skin.

  《Des Destinées de l'Ame》是阿爾塞納-胡薩耶(Arsène Houssaye)在 1880 年代中期寫(xiě)的一本關(guān)于靈魂和死后生活的沉思錄。

  據(jù)說(shuō),他將這本書(shū)交給了他的朋友、醫(yī)生路德維克-布蘭德(Ludovic Bouland)博士,后者隨后用一位無(wú)人認(rèn)領(lǐng)、自然死亡的女病人身上的皮膚裝訂了這本書(shū)。

  Des Destinées de l'Ame is a meditation on the soul and life after death, written by Arsène Houssaye in the mid-1880s.

  He is said to have given it to his friend, Dr Ludovic Bouland, a doctor, who then reportedly bound the book with skin from the body of an unclaimed female patient who had died of natural causes.




  Harvard University explained its decision to remove the binding, saying: "After careful study, stakeholder engagement, and consideration, Harvard Library and the Harvard Museum Collections Returns Committee concluded that the human remains used in the book's binding no longer belong in the Harvard Library collections, due to the ethically fraught nature of the book's origins and subsequent history."

  用人皮裝訂書(shū)籍的做法早在 16 世紀(jì)就有報(bào)道,被稱(chēng)為 "anthropodermic bibliopegy"。19 世紀(jì)有許多關(guān)于將被處決的罪犯尸體捐獻(xiàn)給科學(xué)界的報(bào)道,這些尸體的皮膚后來(lái)被送給了書(shū)籍裝訂者。

  西蒙-查普林(Simon Chaplin)曾在2014年擔(dān)任惠康圖書(shū)館(Wellcome Library)館長(zhǎng),該圖書(shū)館藏有醫(yī)學(xué)史方面的書(shū)籍: "這些書(shū)的數(shù)量并不多,只是偶爾為之,主要是為了產(chǎn)生一種代入感,而非實(shí)際動(dòng)機(jī)。


  The practice of binding books in human skin - termed anthropodermic bibliopegy - has been reported since as early as the 16th Century.

  Numerous 19th Century accounts exist of the bodies of executed criminals being donated to science, with their skins later given to bookbinders.

  Simon Chaplin, who in 2014 was head of the Wellcome Library, which holds books on medical history, told the BBC at the time: "There are not a huge number of these books out there, it has been an occasional practice mainly done for generating a sense of vicarious excitement than for a practical motive.

  "It generally seems to have been done in the 19th Century by doctors who had access to human bodies for dissection."

   投稿郵箱:chuanbeiol@163.com   詳情請(qǐng)?jiān)L問(wèn)川北在線:http://www.sanmuled.cn/


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