12月9日,廣西北海,地角 碼頭,一漁民從海上拖上來一輛保時捷“卡宴”豪華越野車,引起了眾多市民前來觀看。[CFP]
The debris of a Porsche Cayenne that fishermen captured from the sea off Beihai in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on December 9, 2012. The SUV, originally worth over one million yuan, was later sold to a local car garage for only 4,000 yuan. Experienced fishermen said the car may have been down there for two years. The reason as to why the SUV got dumped in the ocean is unknown.
投稿郵箱:chuanbeiol@163.com 詳情請訪問川北在線:http://sanmuled.cn/